
Presentation slides. Workshop “Making things open”, WeMake, Milan, 18.10.2014

Making Things Open, booklet (IT)

The workshop has been conceived on the basis of the following projects and activities:

Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design SUPSI
Within the master program, we experiment and test the integration of open source design and fablab practices into interaction design courses (from concept to prototyping).
All project developed by master students are released in creative commons in a public repository of github.

PhD Research
the framework definition is an activity developed within Serena Cangiano’s Doctoral research on the design of open source interactive artifacts at SUPSI Interaction design lab and University IUAV of Venice.

Open FM Radio workshop – Fablab SUPSI Lugano
A workshop about the diy making of an FM radio through electronics prototyping and digital fabrication techniques.

The course Designing Advanced Artifacts held by Massimo Banzi, Innocenzo Rifino and Diego Rossi ( in 2011 at the master program in interaction design SUPSI. The course goal was to design open, customizable and digital fabricated products.

Designing for the third industrial revolution – Summer school in digital fabrication and interaction design SUPSI
A series of workshops about the design and prototyping of physical interactive artifacts.

Papers, books and articles
Rikard Lindell, The Craft of Programming interaction, in: Effie Lai-Chong Law, Silvia Abrahão, Arnold P.O.S. Vermeeren, Ebba Thora Hvannberg (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Interplay between User Experience Evaluation and Software Development, Copenhagen 2012, pp. 26- 30.

Donald A. Schon, The Reflective practitioner How professionals think in action, Basic Books, New York

Serena Cangiano, Zoe Romano, Massimo Banzi,From wearable computing to the design of interactive open wearables. The impact of Open Design and Open Hardware on the design of wearable computing applications, in: Proceeding of EAD European Academy of Design Conference 2013, Crafting the future, Gothenburg 2013

Serena Cangiano, Davide Fornari, Massimo Botta, The integration of open source design and fablab
[practices] into Interaction Design Education, in: Proceedings of FabLab Research, Fab9 International
conference of fablabs, Yokoama, 2013

Anne Galloway, Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Lalya Gaye,Elizabeth Goodman, Dan Hill, 2004, Design for hackability, in: Designing Interactive Systems, In: proceedings of Designing interactive systems: processes,
practices, methods, and techniques, Cambridge, MA, USA, 363-366

Leah Buechley et al., 2009, DIY :: HCI — A Showcase of Methods, Communities and Values for Reuse and Customization, in: Proceedings of the workshop DIY for CHI: Methods, Communities, and Values of Reuse and Customization, CHI 2009, Computer Human Interaction Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Bas Van Abel, Lucas Evers, Roel Klassen, Peter Troxel, Open Design Now. Why design cannot remain
exclusive, BIS publishers, Amsterdam, 2011.